데이스쿨 할인 리턴-즈!
분석시각화 대회 코드 공유 게시물은
내용 확인 후
좋아요(투표) 가능합니다.
Team invitation
Hello guys, I am a foreigner participating in this competition. I'm currently in 22nd place on the leaderboard. And I'm looking for someone who is korean, speaks English and is in top 20 place on the leaderboard. So please join me. Let's be a team together. It's my e-mail: choisurena@gmail.com. Feel free to contact with me.
데이콘(주) | 대표 김국진 | 699-81-01021
통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2021-서울영등포-1704호
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 3 익스콘벤처타워 901호
이메일 dacon@dacon.io | 전화번호: 070-4102-0545
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👍🏼 You can easily recruite a team member like this 🔗 https://dacon.io/codeshare/2288