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I did not use any additional data. One possible reason is different data cleaning.
Did converting Python2 to Python3 code boost the classification performance? Haven't tested that one yet!
I haven't tested it specifically, but I think it doesn't make much of a difference.
Thank you for the answer 🤗
You're welcome. Congrats on a high spot in the leaderboard.
데이콘(주) | 대표 김국진 | 699-81-01021
통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2021-서울영등포-1704호
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 3 익스콘벤처타워 901호
이메일 dacon@dacon.io | 전화번호: 070-4102-0545
Copyright ⓒ DACON Inc. All rights reserved
May I ask are there any additional dataset that you have utilized? Our team trained more than 900K for each folds, but failed to attain such performance with the same PLM 😂