도배 하자 유형 분류 AI 경진대회

알고리즘 | 비전 | 분류 | MLOps | Weighted F1 Score

  • moneyIcon Prize : 1,000 만원
  • 2,102명 마감


도배 하자 유형 분류 AI 경진대회 수상자 인터뷰_MinhThang

2023.10.05 17:04 693 Views


🎉 Team MinhThang 님, 수상을 진심으로 축하합니다. 🎉

🏆 Nguyễn Minh Thắng 님


🎙수상을 진심으로 축하드립니다! 소감을 말해 주세요.

🏅 Hello everyone,

I am delighted and proud to announce that I came in second place in the AI competition on Dacon organized by Hansol Deco. This was a real challenge for me, and I am grateful for the strong competition from other talented participants.

This competition was tough, and I spent many hours researching, analyzing, and building a reliable model. I utilized my knowledge and skills in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning to propose an effective solution.

I believe my approach took quite some time, and I will explore better methods in the future.

Furthermore, as a newcomer, I am extremely impressed with the Dacon website. The layout is well-balanced and user-friendly, even though I do not understand Korean.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Hansol Deco and Dacon for organizing this competition, providing us with an opportunity to showcase our talents and creativity.




🎙팀을 소개해 주세요!

🏅 Hello! I work in the field of research and software development. I have extensive experience in remote work and the following skills and experience: Python, OCR for invoices and documents, PyTorch and TensorFlow, Explainable AI (XAI), Computer Vision, web data crawling, and deployment of AI models. 




🎙다른 팀과 차별되는 우리 팀만의 특징이나 강점이 있나요? *개인의 경우, 본인의 강점에 대해 이야기해 주세요!

🏅 I believe in being diligent and working harder than other teams.



🎙대회 기간 동안 기억에 남는 사건이 있었다면 무엇인가요?

🏅 For a long time, my ranking was only within the top 10, and on the final day, I could hardly sleep.




🎙평소 데이터 분석을 하거나, 공부하는 과정에서 본인만의 노하우가 있다면 무엇인가요?

🏅 I analyze the data thoroughly and refrain from hasty analysis. Additionally, I also refer to the strategies of other participants and competitions.

🎙수상 기념으로 단 한 가지 소원을 빌 수 있다면?

🏅 Getting featured in the newspaper would be great for me.




🎙앞으로의 목표는 무엇인가요?*

🏅I will continue participating in other competitions to enhance my skills.