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Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these Terms is to promise and stipulate the necessary matters concerning the conditions and procedures for using the information service between Dacon Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and the "Member". "The Member must agree to all of the Terms, and use of the Service in any manner implies that the Member agrees to all of these Terms, and these Terms shall remain in effect for the duration of the Member's use of the Service. These Terms include the provisions of the Copyright Dispute Policy.
Article 2 (Definitions of Terms)
The definitions of the terms used in this Agreement are as follows.
1."Site" refers to a virtual business location or the following website operated by the "Company" that the "Company" establishes using information and communication facilities such as computers to provide services to "Members".
A. ***.dacon.io
2. "Service" refers to all services provided by the site, such as "competition", "education", "talent pool registration", etc. In addition, it includes the service of providing information by classifying, processing, and aggregating the data registered by individuals through the site operated by the "Company" in a DB for each purpose.
3. "Individual Member" refers to an individual who agrees to these Terms and Conditions and concludes a use contract with the Company in order to use the Service.
4. "Talent Member" refers to an individual member who has shared his/her personal information, projects, codes, etc. in order to use the "Dacon Talent Pool Service" and has agreed to provide personal information, projects, codes, etc. to the recruitment requesting "Corporate Member".
5. "Corporate Member" refers to an individual or legal entity that has signed a contract with the Company to request the Company to organize a competition or to use a recruitment referral service.
6. "Hackathon" refers to an event in which an "individual member" submits AI code to a problem posted on the "Site" by the "Company", and the "Company" evaluates it and selects the best work.
7. "Competition" refers to a contest or hackathon, AI hackathon, AI contest, etc. in which a corporate member requests the Company to recruit personnel or crowdsource solutions.
8. "Education" refers to online/offline educational services including educational contents provided by Dacon.
9. "ID" refers to the email address used by the Member at the time of registration to identify the Member and use the Member's services.
10. "Password" refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by the "Member" to confirm that the person who intends to use the services of the "Company" is the same as the person assigned the ID and to protect the rights and interests of the "Member", or an authentication code automatically generated by the "Site" used for the same purpose.
Article 3 (Effectiveness and Change)
These Terms and Conditions shall take effect by disclosing them to "Members" online.
1. The "Company" shall post the contents of these Terms and Conditions, business name, location of business office, name of representative, business license number, contact information, etc. on the initial screen or otherwise notify the "Member" so that the "Member" can know.
2. The "Company" may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws such as the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Telecommunications Basic Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions Basic Act, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the Electronic Signature Act, the Consumer Basic Act, and the Personal Information Protection Act.
3. When there is an important reason for the Company's business or a reason for change under related laws, the Terms and Conditions may be changed, and if the Terms and Conditions are revised, the date of application and the reason for revision shall be specified and notified on the public notice board of the Company's website together with the current Terms and Conditions from 7 days before the effective date to the day before the effective date.
4. "Member" has the right to refuse the changed terms and conditions. The "Member" may express his/her refusal within 15 days after the changed terms are announced. If the "Member" refuses, the "Company", the service provider, may terminate the contract with the "Member" after prior notice to the "Member" by setting a period of 15 days. If the "Member" does not express a refusal or uses the "Service" after the effective date in accordance with the preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed to have agreed.
Article 4 (Interpretation of Terms)
1. Matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Telecommunications Basic Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions Act, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the Electronic Signature Act, and the Consumer Basic Act.
2. If the "Member" concludes an individual contract with the "Company" to use the service, the individual contract shall prevail.
Article 5 (Establishment of Use Agreement)
1. After the "Member" completes the application for use (membership application), the use contract is established by the "Company" notifying the "Member" of the instructions on the web.
2. The "Company" shall consider an application for service use when a person who intends to use the "Dacon Talent Pool Registration" service of the "Company" reads these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and presses the "Agree" or "Submit" button.
3. In applying for Paragraph 2, the "Company" may request real name verification and identity verification through a professional organization depending on the type of "Member". The "Member" shall provide the name, date of birth, contact information, etc. required for identification.
4. When applying for a use contract through linkage with external services such as Facebook, the use contract is established by pressing the "Agree" or "Confirm" button when the "Company" accesses and utilizes the "Member's" external service account information for the purpose of providing these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and the service, and the "Company" notifies the "Member" through web guidance and e-mail.
5. After the establishment of the use contract, the "Member" may not arbitrarily change the member ID without the consent of the Company.
6. Violation of the terms and conditions and laws may result in restrictions on the use of the service by the "Member".
Article 6 (Personal Information)
1. The personal information of "Individual Members" and "Talent Members" shall be protected in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and these Terms and Conditions.
2. The "Company" may collect information provided and produced by "Individual Members" and "Talent Members" while using the "Service" for the smooth fulfillment of the use contract and the Service.
3. "Individual Members" and "Talent Members" may withdraw their consent to the collection and use of personal information provided to the Service at any time. However, in that case, the use of the Service may be limited to a certain extent.
Article 7 (Contents and Use of Services)
1. The "Company" provides the services specified in Article 2, Paragraph 2, and the example service contents are as follows.
A. Competitions
B. Education
C. Education Talent pool registration service
D. Education services related to career development and competitions
E. Any other services that the "Company" further develops or provides to "Members" through partnership agreements, etc.
2. The "Company" may add or change the contents of the service if necessary. However, in this case, the "Company" shall notify the "Member" of the addition or change.
3. The use of the service shall be provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, unless there is a special obstacle due to the business or technical reasons of the "Company". However, exceptions shall be made when force majeure occurs on the day or time specified by the "Company" due to the need for regular maintenance of the system.
Article 8 (Disclosure of Member Information)
1. The "Company" shall provide the personal information provided by the "Talent Member" when registering for the "Dacon Talent Pool" to the "Corporate Member" (recruiting company) without separate processing or modification.
2. The "Company" considers that the "Talent Member" has agreed to view the personal information of the "Corporate Member" when the "Corporate Member" uses the service of "Dacon Talent Pool Registration", and the "Company" may provide resume viewing services to these "Corporate Members" for free or for a fee.
3. The "Company" may allow the "Site" operator to view the "Dacon Talent Pool Registration" information for testing and monitoring purposes in order to provide stable services.
Article 9 (Purchase Application and Consent to Provide Personal Information)
1. The "Member" shall apply for purchase on the "Site" by the following or similar methods, and the "Company" shall provide each of the following contents in an easy-to-understand manner when the user applies for purchase.
A. Search and selection of goods and services, etc.
B. Entering the member's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address (or mobile phone number), etc.
C. Confirmation of the contents related to the cost burden, such as the contents of the terms and conditions and the services where the right to withdraw the subscription is limited
D. Indication (e.g., mouse click) of acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and confirmation or rejection of items C. above
E. Application for purchase of goods and services, etc. and confirmation thereof or agreement to confirmation of the Site
F. Selecting a payment method
2. If the Site needs to provide the Buyer's personal information to a third party, it shall notify the Buyer of 1) the person to whom the personal information is provided, 2) the purpose of using the personal information by the person to whom the personal information is provided, 3) the items of personal information to be provided, and 4) the period of retention and use of personal information by the person to whom the personal information is provided, and obtain consent. (The same applies to changes in the matters for which consent has been obtained.)
3. If the Site entrusts a third party to handle the Buyer's personal information, the Buyer shall be notified of 1) the person to whom the personal information is entrusted, 2) the contents of the work to be entrusted, and 3) the Buyer's consent. (The same applies to changes in the consent received.) However, if it is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract for the provision of the service and related to the convenience of the buyer, the notification and consent procedures shall be bypassed by notifying through the privacy policy in the manner prescribed by the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
Article 10 (Establishment of Contract)
1. The "Site" may not approve the purchase application as described in Article 9 if any of the following items apply. However, in the case of concluding a contract with a minor, it shall be notified that the contract may be canceled by the minor or his/her legal representative if the consent of the legal representative is not obtained.
A. If there are any falsehoods, omissions, or errors in the application contents
B. If the Company determines that acceptance of other purchase applications is significantly impeded by the technology of the Site.
2. The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the approval of the "Site" reaches the user in the form of the receipt confirmation notice in Article 12.1.
3. The "Site"'s indication of acceptance shall include confirmation of the user's purchase application and information regarding the availability of the sale, cancellation of the correction of the purchase application, etc.
Article 11 (Payment Method)
Payment for goods and services purchased on the "Site" may be made by any of the following methods. However, the Company may not add any nominal fees to the price of goods and services for the user's payment method.
A. Various account transfers such as phone banking, internet banking, mail banking, etc.
B. Payment by various cards such as prepaid cards, debit cards, credit cards, etc.
C. Online bankbook deposits
D. Payment by electronic money
E. Payment by points paid by the Site, such as mileage, etc.
F. Payment by gift certificates under contract with the "Site" or recognized by the "Site"
G. Payment by other electronic payment methods, etc.
Article 12 (Notification of Receipt, Change and Cancellation of Purchase Application)
1. The "Site" shall send a receipt confirmation notice to the user when there is a purchase application from the user.
2. A user who receives a receipt confirmation notice may request to change or cancel the purchase application immediately after receiving the receipt confirmation notice if there is a discrepancy in the expression of intention, and the "Site" shall process the request without delay if there is a request from the user before the provision. However, if the payment has already been made, the provisions of Article 15 regarding withdrawal of subscription, etc. shall apply.
Article 13 (Supply of Goods and Services)
The "Site" shall take necessary measures to provide goods and services from the date the user makes a request, unless there is a separate agreement with the user regarding the timing of the supply of goods and services. The "Site" shall take appropriate measures so that the user can check the procedure and progress of the provision of goods and services, etc.
Article 14 (Refund)
If the "Site" is unable to provide the goods and services that the user has applied to purchase for reasons such as being out of stock, the "Site" shall notify the user of the reason without delay, and if the payment for the goods and services has been received in advance, the "Site" shall refund the payment or take necessary measures to refund the payment within 3 business days from the date of receipt.
Article 15 (Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.)
1. A user who has concluded a contract for the purchase of goods and services with the "Site" may withdraw his/her subscription within 7 days from the date of receipt of the notice of the contract contents pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce (if the supply of goods and services is later than when the notice is received, the date on which the goods and services are supplied or the supply of goods and services is started). However, if the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. provides otherwise regarding the withdrawal of a subscription, the provisions of the Act shall apply.
2. If the user has received goods and services, the user may not withdraw the subscription in any of the following cases.
A. If the value of the goods and services is significantly reduced by the user's use or partial consumption.
3. In the case of Paragraph 2 (b) or (c), if the "Site" has not taken measures such as specifying the fact that the withdrawal of the subscription is restricted in advance in a place where consumers can easily recognize it, the user's withdrawal of the subscription shall not be restricted.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2, if the contents of the goods and services differ from the contents of the display and advertisement or are performed differently from the contract, the user may withdraw the subscription within 3 months from the date of supplying the goods and services, and within 30 days from the date of knowing or being able to know the fact.
Article 16 (Effect of withdrawal of subscription, etc.)
1. If the "Site" receives a legitimate request from the user to return the service, the "Site" shall refund the payment for the goods and services already received within 3 business days or initiate the action. In this case, if the "Site" delays the refund of goods and services to the user, the delayed interest calculated by multiplying the delayed interest rate set forth in Article 21.2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. shall be paid for the period of delay.
2. In refunding the above payment, if the user has paid for goods and services by payment method such as credit card or electronic money, the "Site" shall request the business that provided the payment method to suspend or cancel the charge for goods and services without delay.
3. In the case of withdrawal of subscription, the user shall bear the cost of returning the goods and services supplied. The "Site" shall not claim penalties or damages from the user for withdrawing the subscription. However, if the contents of the goods and services are different from the contents of the display and advertisement, or if the subscription is withdrawn because it is performed differently from the contract, the costs required for the return of the goods and services shall be borne by the "Site".
Article 17 (Suspension of Service Provision)
The "Company" may suspend the provision of the Service in any of the following cases.
1. If the "Company" notifies the "Members" in advance due to the needs of the "Company" such as maintenance of facilities.
2. If the telecommunications service provider stops providing telecommunications services
3. If the provision of the service is objectively impossible due to other force majeure reasons.
Article 18 (Provision of Member Information and Posting of Advertisements)
1. The "Company" may provide the "Member" with information deemed necessary for the use of the Service by e-mail, correspondence mail, SMS, etc.
2. The "Company" may post information or advertisements related to the services provided on the service screen, homepage, etc.
3. The "Company" shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the "Member's" participation, communication or transaction in the advertiser's promotional activities posted on the service or through this service.
4. "Members" may separately agree to receive commercial advertisements via personal e-mail. A Member who receives an e-mail containing an advertisement may unsubscribe at any time by contacting the Company.
Article 19 (Responsibility and Authority of the Company)
1. The "Company" may filter the personal information of "Individual Members" or "Talent Members" according to the request of "Corporate Members".
2. The "Company" may delete or modify the personal information entered by the "Individual Member" or "Talent Member" at the time of membership registration or talent pool registration at any time without prior notice if there are misspellings, deviations, phrases and contents that violate social norms, or contents based on obviously false facts.
3. The 'Talent Pool Registration Information' entered by the 'Talent Member' may be utilized as statistical data on employment and related trends, and the data may be distributed to the press through the media. However, the information utilized shall exclude personal information that can identify an individual.
4. The "Company" may provide personal information of "Individual Members" or "Talent Members" viewed by "Corporate Members" through due process on the "Site" for the purpose of utilizing it as personnel data for "Corporate Members".
5. Intellectual property rights such as posts or materials created and registered by the "Member" within the services provided by the "Company" belong to the "Member", but the "Company" may distribute them on the "Site" only if they are disclosed.
6. The "Company" shall fulfill its duty of care in good faith to protect the intellectual property rights of "Members" and "Corporate Members".
Article 20 (Obligations of the Company)
1. The "Company" shall use its best efforts to provide the Service continuously and stably as set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
2. The "Company" shall not leak or distribute the personal identification information of the "Member" to others without the consent of the Member. However, exceptions shall be made in cases where there is a legitimate request from a national organization under relevant laws and regulations.
3. If the "Company" receives a complaint from a "Member" regarding the Service, it shall immediately handle it, and if it is difficult to handle it immediately, it shall notify the reason and processing schedule to the "Member" through the service screen or other methods.
4. If an unforeseen event such as a natural disaster occurs or a system failure occurs and the service is interrupted, the "Company" shall not be liable for any damages. However, the Company shall be obligated to do its best to restore the data or support the normal service.
5. The "Company" shall preserve the payment information related to the paid payment for the period prescribed by the relevant laws. The retention period shall be in accordance with the retention information and retention period under the "Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc." as follows.
A. Records on contract or subscription withdrawal: 5 years
B. Records on payment and supply of goods and services: 5 years
C. Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years
D. Records on display/advertising: 6 months
Article 21 (Rights and Obligations of Members)
1. The "Member" shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and other matters notified by the "Company", and shall not engage in other acts that interfere with the business of the "Company". If the "Member" violates this, the "Member" may be deprived of the right to use the service.
2. The "Member" shall provide and register accurate and complete personal information when registering for membership, and shall keep it up to date.
3. The "Member" shall not create a user ID by stealing the name of another person.
4. "Member" shall not use another person's ID other than his/her own ID. The "Member" shall not transfer his/her ID to another person, nor shall he/she transfer the ID of another person.
The "Member" shall not share his/her ID or password with others and shall protect the security of the "Member's" ID and password. The Member shall be legally and socially responsible for all activities related to his/her ID.
6. The rights and responsibilities for the posts created and registered by the "Member" in the service are the responsibility of the poster. In the event of a dispute related to intellectual property rights, such as the unauthorized appropriation of copyrighted code by others, the "Member" shall be fully responsible for the same and shall indemnify the "Company" within the scope.
7. The "Member" shall not copy, reproduce, translate, publish, broadcast, or otherwise use the information obtained by using the Service or provide it to others without the prior consent of the "Company".
8. The "Member" shall not use the Service for any purpose other than participation in healthy competitions, learning purposes, or support for recruitment requests from "Corporate Members", and shall not engage in any of the following acts during use.
A. Use the Service for commercial purposes without the prior consent of the Company.
B. Acts that infringe on the rights of others such as intellectual property rights
C. Acts of hacking, spreading viruses, or continuously transmitting certain contents such as advertising information against the will of others.
D. Acts deemed to interfere with or threaten to interfere with the stable operation of the Service
E. Profit-making activities using the information and services of the site
F. Any other act that harms good morals, other social order, or violates relevant laws and regulations.
9. The terms and conditions and legal liability may remain in effect even after withdrawal of membership.
Article 22 (Restriction and Suspension of Eligibility)
The "Company" may terminate the use contract without prior notice or restrict the use of the service for a specified period of time if the "Member" is found to fall under any of the following items.
A. In the event that the "Member" uses the resources provided by the "Company" to commit acts contrary to public order and social norms
B. If you use the resources provided by the "Company" to plan or execute the use of the service for the purpose of undermining the social public interest.
C. In the case of using the resources provided by the "Company" to commit acts related to criminal behavior
D. If you have committed acts that damage or disadvantage the honor of others
E. If the personal information required by the "Company" is found to be false.
Article 23 (Posts)
The "Company" may delete the contents posted or registered by the "Member" without prior notice if it is determined that the contents fall under any of the following items.
A. If the contents damage the honor of other Members or third parties
b. If the content jeopardizes the safety of the country
C. If the content harms public order and morals
D. If the content destroys the economic order of the country or harms economic development
E. If the content is prohibited by criminal acts and other laws
F. In case of unauthorized posting of advertisements
Article 24 (Competition)
1. Each competition is subject to separate competition rules set by the organizer and the Company.
2. Competition rules, evaluation criteria, award targets, and award contents shall be posted in advance by the Company.
3. The Host shall provide the Company with data for the operation of the Competition, and the Company shall publish the processed data set. However, the Company shall not be liable for any legal liability if the Company is unaware that the data provided by the Host violates copyright laws or other laws and regulations, and there is no reason for the Company's liability.
4. "Workers" who are recognized as having an employment relationship within the "Company" may participate in the contest only if the winner receives the prize after the end of the contest. However, exceptions are made for participation in the competition for the purpose of operation and management of the competition.
5. If the "Company" determines that a "Member" violates these Terms and Conditions, it may take measures such as disqualification or suspension of the relevant competition.
6. All competitions must comply with the law and these Terms.
Article 25 (Compensation for Damages)
The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Member for reasons attributable to other Members (including both individual and corporate Members).
Article 26 (Disclaimer)
1. The "Company" shall not be liable for the suspension of service provision if the service cannot be provided due to natural disasters or other force majeure reasons.
2. The "Company" shall not be liable for any obstacles to the use of the Service due to reasons attributable to the "Member".
3. The "Company" shall not be liable for any damages caused by information obtained by the "Member" using the Service.
4. The "Company" shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, etc. of the information, materials, facts, etc. posted by the "Member" through the bulletin board.
5. The "Company" shall not be liable for any damages obtained by the "Member" in violation of the Terms and Conditions and laws.
Article 27 (Jurisdictional Court)
Pursuant to Article 36 (Exclusive Jurisdiction) of the 'Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.', lawsuits concerning electronic transaction disputes between the 'Company' and the 'Member' shall be filed at the address of the 'Member' at the time of filing, and if there is no address, the district court having jurisdiction over the residence shall have exclusive jurisdiction. However, if the address or residence of the "Member" is not clear at the time of filing, or if the "Member" is a foreign resident, the jurisdiction shall be the jurisdiction established by the Civil Procedure Act.
Article 28 (Personal Information of Members)
The "Company" shall endeavor to protect the personal information of the "Member". The Company shall comply with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. regarding the personal information protection of "Members" and shall notify the "Personal Information Handling Policy" on the "Site".
Article 29 (Rules other than the Terms)
The rules not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations, including the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
Announcement Date: March 22, 2023
Effective Date: March 29, 2023
Privacy Policy
Announcement Date: 2021.05.24.
DACON places user privacy protection as the top priority among management factors. DACON Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 'Dacon' or 'Company') strictly complies with domestic personal information protection laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter 'Information and Communications Network Act') and the Personal Information Protection Act from service planning to termination.
1. Significance of Privacy Policy
We provide transparent information related to what information DACON collects, how the collected information is used, with whom it is shared ('consigned or provided') as necessary, and when and how the information that has achieved the purpose of use is destroyed, etc.
As a subject of information, users are informed of what rights they have in relation to their personal information and how and by what methods and procedures they can exercise them. In addition, it also provides information on what rights a legal representative (parents, etc.) can exercise to protect the personal information of children under the age of 14.
In the event of a personal information breach, we will inform you of whom to contact and how to get help in order to prevent further damage and repair damage that has already occurred.
Above all, it is a means of guaranteeing the user's right to self-determination of personal information by stipulating the relationship of rights and obligations between DACON and users in relation to personal information.
2. Purpose of collection and use of personal information
DACON Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the “Company”) collects personal information for the following purposes, and does not use the collected personal information for purposes other than the following purposes.
1) User management
Identification according to the use of membership service, confirmation of one's intention, response to customer inquiries, introduction of new information and delivery of notices
2) Implementation of contract for service provision and settlement of fees for service provision
Identity verification, personal identification for job matching and content provision, mutual communication between users, purchase and payment of fees, sending of goods and evidence, prevention of illegal use and prevention of unauthorized use
3) Service development and marketing/advertising utilization
Provision of customized services, service guidance and use solicitation, identification of statistics and access frequency for service improvement and new service development, advertisements according to statistical characteristics, event information and participation opportunities
4) Statistical analysis to identify employment and employment trends, data analysis for service advancement
3. Items of personal information to be collected and methods of collection
a. Items of personal information to be collected
1) Items collected when signing up for membership
Required items: ID, password, name, nickname, email
Optional items: mobile phone number, date of birth, country, occupation
Additional personal information may be collected only for users of the service in the process of using individual services within DACON, and paying prizes and products. In the case of additional personal information collection, at the time of collection of the personal information, the user is informed about the items of personal information to be collected, the purpose of collection and use of personal information, and the period of storage of personal information, and consent is obtained.
2) Items collected when registering for Daycon Career Pool
Required items: name, email, mobile phone number, work experience, new/experienced if applicable, available programming languages and experience, 1 link to project or competition code, intent to find a job, desired work area
Optional items: Links to project or competition codes (additional), other awards, links to privately operated sites (GitHub, Linkedin, etc.), video, ppt
3) Items collected when using mobile services
Due to the nature of the mobile service, device model information may be collected, but it will be in a form that cannot identify individuals.
4) Items collected when compensation is paid
Required items: Account information (bank, account number), resident registration number (based: Income Tax Act)
5) Collected items for calculating the company's fee upon successful recruitment
Required items: Salary information of successful applicants
6) Items automatically collected during service use or business processing
IP address, cookie, visit date and time, service use record, bad use record, advertisement ID, access environment
b. How to collect personal information
1) When a user agrees to the collection of personal information and directly inputs information during membership registration and service use, the personal information is collected
2) Collected by methods such as registration of DACON Career service , company fee settlement, event application, customer center inquiry, etc.
3) In the process of inquiry through the operator, personal information of users is collected through web pages, e-mails, faxes, telephones, etc.
4) Personal information is collected in writing at offline events, seminars, awards ceremonies, etc.
5) You may receive personal information from an external company or organization affiliated with DACON, and in this case, it will be provided to DACON after obtaining consent from the user to provide personal information from the affiliated company in accordance with the Information and Communications Network Act.
6) Generated information such as device information may be automatically generated and collected during the process of using the PC web or mobile web/app.
4. Use of collected personal information
We use personal information only for the following purposes, such as user management of DACON and all DACON-related services (including mobile web/app), service development, provision and improvement, and establishment of a safe internet environment.
Personal information is used for user management, such as confirmation of intention to join membership, identification of users and legal representatives, discernment of users, and confirmation of intention to withdraw from membership.
Personal information is used for discovery and improvement of existing services in addition to providing existing services such as content (including advertisements), new service elements such as demographic analysis, analysis of service visits and usage records, formation of relationships between users based on personal information and interests, and provision of customized services based on acquaintances and interests, etc.
Notices such as restrictions on the use of users who violate laws and regulations and terms of use, prevention and sanctions against acts that impede the smooth operation of the service, including illegal use, account theft and illegal transaction prevention, and amendment of terms and conditions Personal information is used for user protection and service operation, such as delivery, record keeping for dispute resolution, and complaint handling.
Personal information is used for identity authentication, purchase and payment of fees, and delivery of products and services in accordance with the provision of paid services.
Personal information is used for marketing and promotion purposes, such as providing event information and participation opportunities, and providing advertising information.
Personal information is used for service usage history and access frequency analysis, service usage statistics, service analysis and customized service provision according to statistics and advertisements.
In terms of security, privacy, and safety, personal information is used to establish a service use environment that users can use with confidence.
5. Provision of personal information, entrustment of processing, and overseas transfer
In principle, the “company” does not provide personal information to the outside without user consent.
The “company” does not provide personal information to the outside without the user's prior consent. However, if the user gives permission for a fair price, if he/she directly consents to the provision of personal information, and if there is an obligation to submit personal information to DACON in accordance with relevant laws, and if there is an imminent risk to the life or safety of the user, we provide personal information only when it has been confirmed and to resolve it.
The "Company" uses personal information within the scope notified in 1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information, and does not use it beyond the scope without the user's prior consent.
a. processing consignment
The "company" entrusts personal information as follows to improve service, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, it stipulates necessary matters so that personal information can be safely managed during consignment contracts. If any changes occur, we will notify you through the notice or privacy policy.
Consigned business details
Income reporting agency for the winners of the GNU Tax Accounting Contest
Mailchimp newsletter delivery agency
b. In the following cases, personal information may be provided or used through reasonable procedures.
1) Provision of personal information to ‘corporate users’ (recruitment requesting companies)
The personal information of registered users of the DACON Career service can be viewed by a large number of unspecified corporate users who have a request for recruitment of the DACON Career service
- Persons to whom personal information is provided: corporate users
- Purpose of use of personal information by the person receiving personal information: Confirmation of suitable person for employment
- Items of personal information to be provided: Items collected when registering for the DACON Career service
- Period of retention and use of personal information by the person receiving personal information: Upon termination of the partnership contract
2) When applying for recruitment
When a user applies for the recruitment service through DACON, personal information such as the user's contact information is provided to the recruitment request 'corporate user' in order to proceed with the recruitment process.
3) Sales, M&A
If the rights and obligations of the service provider are succeeded or transferred, it must be notified in advance and the user's right to withdraw consent to personal information is given.
4) However, exceptions are made in the following cases.
When there is a request from an investigation agency in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations or in accordance with the procedures and methods stipulated in the laws for investigation
c. Personal information of users is provided or stored abroad only in the following cases.
1) Overseas corporate user
There are overseas companies that provide personal information of users who want to work abroad, and any changes through partnerships will be notified in advance. In this case, we will go through the process of asking for individual consent, and without consent, we will not provide it.
- Recipient of personal information: Overseas corporate user
- Purpose of use of personal information by recipients of personal information: Confirmation of suitable persons for overseas employment
- Items of personal information provided: Items collected when registering for the DACON Career service
- Providing method: Provided through DACON Career service DB
- Period of retention and use of personal information by the person receiving personal information: At the end of the partnership agreement
6. Period of retention and use of personal information
The "company" will retain and use the user's personal information only during the period of providing services from membership registration and Career pool registration. If you withdraw your consent to the collection and use of personal information, the personal information will be destroyed without delay when the purpose of collection and use is achieved or the period of use has expired.
However, in the following cases, they are retained for the specified reason and period, respectively.
1) If it is necessary to preserve in accordance with the relevant laws such as the Commercial Act, we retain transaction details and minimum basic information for the retention period stipulated by the laws. In this case, the company will only use the stored information for the purpose of storage.
① Records on contract or subscription withdrawal, etc.: 5 years
② Records on payment and supply of goods: 5 years
③ Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years
④ Records of illegal use, etc.: 5 years
⑤ Website visit records (login records, access records): 1 year
2) In principle, when requesting membership withdrawal, the company destroys personal information without delay at the same time as the withdrawal process. However, when a user with a history of support through the company withdraws, the company retains personal information related to support and support for 5 years after withdrawal for the following reasons.
① Prevention of participation in the company's illegal use without sharing the fact of employment through collusion with the company even after employment has been completed through the company.
② It is necessary to keep the member's support information in order to complete the contract with the company regarding the company's service provision
3) If the retention period is notified in advance and the retention period has not elapsed or if consent is obtained individually, the information is retained for the agreed period.
4) For personal information protection, if a user does not use "DACON" for one year, email (or account information set by the user through linkage with external services such as Facebook) is separated into a "dormant account" and stop using the account. In this case, the "company" shall notify the fact in advance by one of e-mail, written, or SMS 30 days prior to the "expected date of processing of dormant accounts", and if the user directly confirms his/her identity and expresses his/her intention to use the "website" again, the "website" may be used.
7. Procedure for destruction of personal information and method of destruction
In principle, the "company" destroys the user's personal information without delay upon withdrawal from membership. However, if the user has obtained separate consent for the storage period of personal information, or if the law imposes an obligation to keep information for a certain period of time, personal information will be safely stored for that period.
Illegal use records such as illegal registration and disciplinary records are kept for 2 years from the time of collection to prevent illegal registration or use and are destroyed.
Personal information that has achieved the purpose of collection and use of personal information, such as membership withdrawal, service termination, and the arrival of the personal information retention period agreed by users, is destroyed in a non-renewable way Information for which preservation obligations are imposed by law will also be destroyed in a way that cannot be reproduced without delay after the relevant period has elapsed. In the case of electronic files, they are safely deleted so that they cannot be recovered or reproduced, and printed materials are destroyed by shredding or incineration.
The “company” separately stores and manages the personal information of members who have not used the service for one year in accordance with the “personal information validity period”.
1) Destruction procedure
The information entered by the user for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB (separate filing cabinet in the case of paper) after the purpose is achieved, and is destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time according to the internal policy and other relevant laws and regulations. Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any other purpose except in cases where it is required by law.
2) Destruction method
Personal information printed on paper is shredded with a shredder or destroyed through incineration. Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.
8. Matters concerning the installation, operation and rejection of the automatic personal information collection device
1) What is a cookie?
It is a small text file that the server used to operate the website sends to the user's browser and is stored on the user's hard disk.
2) Purpose of use of cookie
The information collected by the "company" through cookies is in ‘2. Items of personal information to be collected and methods of collection’ and it is not used for purposes other than the '1. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information'.
3) Cookie installation, operation and rejection
Users have the option of installing cookies. By setting options in their web browser, they can accept all cookies, check each time when a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. To specify whether to allow the installation of cookies (for Internet Explorer) ex) Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Personal Information
However, if you refuse to store cookies, there may be difficulties in using some services that require login.
9. Technical and administrative protection measures for personal information
1) Encryption of personal information
User’s personal information is protected by a password, and files and other data are protected through a separate security function through encryption or file lock function.
2) Countermeasures against hacking
All data is kept in a highly secure data center. Access to personal information data is restricted by dividing usage rights, and it is not stored on a personal PC or in an offline space where external intrusion is a concern.
3) Training of personal information processing staff
Personal information-related staff consists of a minimum number of personnel, and regular training is provided on acquisition of new security technologies and obligations to protect personal information, and security is maintained through internal audit procedures.
4) Personal ID and password management
The "company" is doing its best to protect users' personal information. However, we are not responsible for any problems caused by leakage of personal information such as e-mail (or account information set by the user through linkage with external services such as Facebook) and passwords due to the user's personal negligence or the basic internet risks.
10. Link
The "website" may contain various banners and links. In many cases, it is linked to the pages of other websites, and this is a measure to reveal the source of the content provided by or through a contractual relationship with the advertiser. If you click a link included in the "website" to move to a page on another website, the privacy policy of that website is irrelevant to the "website", so please review the policy of the newly visited website.
11. Children's Privacy
The "company" does not accept '' for children under the age of 14 as it judges that children under the age of 14 cannot search for jobs when registering for Career pool service.
12. User’s right and how to exercise them
User can view or edit their personal information at any time at ‘DACON Home > Profile’.
User can withdraw their consent to the collection and use of personal information at any time through ‘withdrawal of membership’.
In the case of children under the age of 14, the legal representative has the right to inquire or correct the child's personal information, and the right to withdraw consent to collection and use.
Users and their legal representatives can view, disclose, process, modify, or delete registered information of themselves or the minor’s at any time. Users and their legal representatives can handle personal information inquiry/modification/subscription cancellation (withdrawal of consent) through 'My Account Management'.
If a user requests correction of errors in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party the result of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.
The "Company" does not cancel or delete personal information at the request of the user in '6. Period of retention and use of personal information is processed as specified in the 'Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information' and is processed so that it cannot be viewed or used for other purposes
13. Personal information processing department and civil service
The "company" designates the personal information processing department and contact information as follows to protect users' personal information and handle personal information-related grievances.
- Personal Information Processing Department: DACON Support Team dacon@dacon.io
If you need advice on other personal information, you can contact the following organizations.
- Personal Information Infringement Report Center: http://privacy.kisa.or.kr/ 118 without area code
- Cyber Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office: http://www.spo.go.kr/ 1301 without area code
- National Police Agency Cyber Security Bureau: http://www.police.go.kr/ 182 without area code
14. Obligation to notify before revision
If there is a change in the personal information processing policy regarding the following matters, we will notify you in advance through the ‘Notice’ at least 7 days before the revision.
1) Persons receiving personal information
2) Purpose of use of personal information by the person receiving personal information
3) Items of personal information to be provided
4) Period of retention and use of personal information by the person receiving personal information
5) The fact that the right to refuse consent and the details of the disadvantage exist and there is a disadvantage due to refusal of consent
However, when a significant change in user rights occurs, such as a change in the items of personal information to be collected or the purpose of use, it is notified at least 30 days in advance, and user consent may be obtained again if necessary.
Announcement Date: May 24, 2021
Effective Date: May 31, 2021
1. 광고성 정보의 이용목적
DACON이 제공하는 이용자 맞춤형 서비스 및 상품 추천, 각종 경품 행사, 이벤트, 경진대회 홍보 목적 등의 광고성 정보를 전자우편이나
서신우편, 문자(SMS 또는 카카오 알림톡), 푸시, 전화 등을 통해 이용자에게 제공합니다.
- 마케팅 수신 동의는 거부하실 수 있으며 동의 이후에라도 고객의 의사에 따라 동의를 철회할 수 있습니다.
동의를 거부 하시더라도 DACON에서 제공하는 서비스의 이용에 제한이 되지 않습니다.
단, 할인, 이벤트 및 이용자 맞춤형 상품 추천 등의 마케팅 정보 안내 서비스가 제한됩니다.
2. 미동의 시 불이익 사항
개인정보보호법 제22조 제5항에 의해 선택정보 사항에 대해서는 동의 거부 하시더라도 서비스 이용에 제한되지 않습니다.
3. 서비스 정보 수신 동의 철회
DACON에서 제공하는 마케팅 정보를 원하지 않을 경우 ‘홈>계정관리 페이지의 하단 마케팅(대회 진행, 교육 등) 정보 수신 동의(선택)’에서 철회를 요청할 수 있습니다.
또한 향후 마케팅 활용에 새롭게 동의하고자 하는 경우에는 ‘홈>계정관리 페이지의 하단 마케팅(대회 진행, 교육 등) 정보 수신 동의(선택)’에서 동의하실 수 있습니다.
분석시각화 대회 코드 공유 게시물은 내용 확인 후 좋아요(투표) 가능합니다.
팀 구성 D-0
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