분석시각화 대회 코드 공유 게시물은
내용 확인 후
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월간 데이콘 심리 성향 예측 AI 경진대회
TIPI(Ten-Item Personality Inventory) 계산법 공유
tp01 ~ tp10 에 해당하는 tipi 계산법입니다.
데이콘도 캐글처럼 점점 공유하는 분위기가 형성되는것 같아 기분이 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
모두 화이팅 입니다!!
Here are a number of personality traits that may or may not apply to you. Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement. You should rate the extent to which the pair of traits applies to you, even if one characteristic applies more strongly than the other.
1 = Disagree strongly
2 = Disagree moderately
3 = Disagree a little
4 = Neither agree nor disagree
5 = Agree a little
6 = Agree moderately
7 = Agree strongly
I see myself as:
1. _____ Extraverted, enthusiastic.
2. _____ Critical, quarrelsome.
3. _____ Dependable, self-disciplined.
4. _____ Anxious, easily upset.
5. _____ Open to new experiences, complex.
6. _____ Reserved, quiet.
7. _____ Sympathetic, warm.
8. _____ Disorganized, careless.
9. _____ Calm, emotionally stable.
10. _____ Conventional, uncreative.
TIPI scale scoring (“R” denotes reverse-scored items):
- Extraversion: 1, 6R;
- Agreeableness: 2R, 7;
- Conscientiousness; 3, 8R;
- Emotional Stability: 4R, 9;
- Openness to Experiences: 5, 10R.
감사합니다 ^^
긍정적으로 활성화 되도록 만들어 갈께요~ 감사합니다.
감사합니다 어떻게 넣어야하는지 고민중이었는데 도움되었습니다 !
감사합니다 혹시 무응답이 껴있는 경우는 어떻게 처리하셨나요??
데이콘(주) | 대표 김국진 | 699-81-01021
통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2021-서울영등포-1704호
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 3 익스콘벤처타워 901호
이메일 dacon@dacon.io | 전화번호: 070-4102-0545
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