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시계열 예측 코드 링크 - Time Series Forecasting - 업데이트
1. 텐서플로우코어 TensorFlow Core https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/structured_data/time_series
2. 시계열 논문과 코드paperwithcode https://paperswithcode.com/task/time-series-forecasting
3. 시계열 지도 학습 설명과 코드 machinelearningmastery https://machinelearningmastery.com/time-series-forecasting-supervised-lear
4. 판다스 시계열 기초 chrisalbon https://chrisalbon.com/python/data_wrangling/pandas_time_series_basics/
5. 전력 예측 ARIMA kdnuggets https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/01/predict-electricity-consumption-time-series-analysis.html
6. Hands-on Time Series Analysis with Python by B V Vishwas and Ashish Patel (Apress, 2020). 책+깃허브https://github.com/Apress/hands-on-time-series-analylsis-python?fbclid=IwAR3G5H_GYDUkIbAClx0tfKI0bIGiOlOo1VFI9TdxLNk0nYhU4NrgU3HZNlw
7. TadGAN: Time Series Anomaly Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks
코드 링크 : https://analyticsindiamag.com/hands-on-guide-to-tadgan-with-python-codes/
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