상점 신용카드 매출 예측 경진대회

펀다 상점 매출 예측 대회 3위 수상자 인터뷰 (vvmatorin)

2020.01.16 16:33 932 Views

펀다 상점 매출 예측 대회


Major(Final Education)

Vladislav Matorin: Samara University (Samara State Aerospace University) / Information Security and Image Processing / Specialist (Masters)

수상을 진심으로 축하합니다. 수상 소감 부탁드립니다.

Congratulations on your award. Please tell me your thoughts on winning the award.

It felt really great. I spent all of my free time chasing the first place (that was my first competition and it I also didn't have much experience in the field). So I was crawled up at home working and coding for 2 month, bought a couple of books on time series analysis and really gave it all I could. So I am very grateful I had achieved something in the end! And I hope it will add up to my chances of finding a DS job in Korea.

데이터 분석에 관심을 가지게 된 계기나 데이터 분석 일을 하게 된 이유가 있다면 무엇인가요?

What was the reason for your interest in data analytics or doing data analytics?

I have a vast experience in Programming and Project Management / Analytics, and both of them are great. But Data Analytics combines the benefits of the both and bring them even further. I never could chose either technical or humanitarian science over another, so it is a match made in heaven for me as I don't have to chose anymore.

데이콘 경진대회에 참여한 동기가 있나요?

Do you have any motives for participating in DACON competition?

Yes, I wanted to get myself known for korean employers. As I dream of working as a Data Analyst in Korea.

학업이나 현업 그리고 일상생활과 관련해서 대회 중 느낀 점이 있다면 무엇인가요?

What did you think about your school work, your job, your daily life, etc. during the competition schedule?

Well, apart from my job, the competition basically became my life :)

대회에 참여하면서 어려웠던 점이 있다면 무엇일까요?

Did you have any difficulties while participating in the contest?

The only difficulty was that all of the contents were in Korean (but it's pretty understandable).

데이콘에 더 바라는 점, 기대 사항이 있다면 무엇인가요?

Do you have any expectations for DACON? 

1) Text processing would be nice, but all competitions are great

2) Competition for getting into SNU? :) Also some weekly weekend competitions to brush up skills should be fun!

3) Probably something like Kaggle's tier system

4) Kernels could be great!

설문(인터뷰)에 없는 내용 중 더 하고 싶은 말이 있나요?

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Thank you for having me, I look further to next competitions!