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[ 우승자 인터뷰 #16] 병원 개/폐업 분류 예측 대회 2위
병원 개/폐업 분류 예측 대회 2위 수상자 인터뷰 (Bellagio)
2차 대회 2위 수상자인 Bellagio님 인터뷰를 공유합니다.
Congratulations to the winner prizes. Please award speech.
Thank you so much Dacon team for hosting such a great competition.
I enjoyed my time working on this problem statement and feel so proud that I was able to end up in the 2nd place and little bit of impact, value it might add to the business.
I would like to continue participating in more and more of these great competitions that Dacon is planning to host and hopefully let's see if I can end up in the top :)
What are some of the reasons you are interested in data science?
I work as a data scientist and my day job includes playing with data most of the time.
Other than my work time, I enjoy competing in Machine Learning competitions online.
I have participated in more than 100 competitions in the past few years
Do you have any motivation for participating in the DACON competition?
I have been participating in Machine learning competitions for more than 2 years and I enjoy doing them.
Dacon is a great platform hosting great problem statements.
I’m definitely motivated to participate in more and more competitions that Dacon has to offer.
How did you feel about the study, business, and everyday life regarding data science during the competition?
The use cases sounded real and the problem statement were promising to have a positive impact on the life of people and business.
Be it forecasting the sales of the shops will help the company to plan their inventory in advance.
What if you have difficulty participating in the competition?
Managing time is my greatest difficulty in participating in machine learning challenges as I also have a day job to do.
In Dacon sometimes I feel it is difficult to decode the Korean language, but I see great efforts have been taken care by the team to provide the information in English.
What do you want more in DACON, what are your expectations?
I would like to Dacon to continue with the great work they do.
Few things I would expect is that
1. Please provide datasets with data points not less than 5000. More the data is better and it will give us opportunities to try out neural networks and other complex algorithms.
2. Dataset to be standardized and given in a proper format.
3. Provide varied problems like multiclass classification problem and also choose the right evaluation metrics for the problem.
4. No prize money to be less than USD 1000$. Even for the person who ends up in 3rd position, I expect he/she should get at least USD 1000$ provided the amount of time he/she has invests.
5. Added to prize money, it would be great if the sponsors could offer travel opportunities for the winners to visit the location and give a presentation of the solution. It will also motivate someone like me to spend more time on building a better model and finish in the top.
6. Place increase the number of submission per day from 3 to 5 or 10. I would like to see unlimited submissions per day but, I understand the load impact it may have on Dacon’s servers. Having a few 100 users should not be a problem I suppose, but still you guys know better.
7. After the competition is over it would be great if Dacon could publish the winning solutions. It will be a learning for us from the top winners or even publish an article that will explain the approach of the winners.
데이콘(주) | 대표 김국진 | 699-81-01021
통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2021-서울영등포-1704호
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 3 익스콘벤처타워 901호
이메일 dacon@dacon.io | 전화번호: 070-4102-0545
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