딥러닝에 유용한 40개 + 13개수학 기호

2023.02.03 21:50 2,323 조회

ChatGPT 가 열일 하네요. 자주 사용되는 수학기호 40개 +   Some Common Mathematical Symbols and Abbreviations 에서 13개 추가 했습니다.

13개 출처 : Some Common Mathematical Symbols and Abbreviations (with History) Isaiah Lankham, Bruno Nachtergaele, Anne Schilling (January 21, 2007)

논문 보다가 가끔 생각나지 않을때

Here are the top 40 mathematical signs and symbols commonly used in deep learning:

  1. + (Plus sign)
  2. - (Minus sign)
  3. × (Multiplication sign)
  4. ÷ (Division sign)
  5. = (Equal sign)
  6. ≠ (Not equal sign)
  7. < (Less than sign)
  8. | (Greater than sign)
  9. ≤ (Less than or equal to sign)
  10. ≥ (Greater than or equal to sign)
  11. % (Percent sign)
  12. ∑ (Summation symbol)
  13. Σ (Capital sigma)
  14. ∏ (Product symbol)
  15. π (Pi symbol)
  16. e (Euler's number)
  17. ℎ (Planck's constant)
  18. ∞ (Infinity symbol)
  19. ∇ (Gradient symbol)
  20. ∂ (Partial derivative symbol)
  21. ∫ (Integral symbol)
  22. ∬ (Double integral symbol)
  23. ∰ (Triple integral symbol)
  24. ∅ (Empty set symbol)
  25. ⊂ (Proper subset symbol)
  26. ⊃ (Proper superset symbol)
  27. ⊆ (Subset symbol)
  28. ⊇ (Superset symbol)
  29. → (Arrow symbol)
  30. ↔ (Double arrow symbol)
  31. ∈ (Element of symbol)
  32. ∉ (Not an element of symbol)
  33. ∀ (For all symbol)
  34. ∃ (There exists symbol)
  35. √ (Square root symbol)
  36. ⌊ (Floor symbol)
  37. ⌈ (Ceiling symbol)
  38. ⟹ (Implication symbol)
  39. ↵ (Return symbol)
  40. ⇒ (Implies symbol)
  41. e = limn→∞(1 + 1 n ) n (the natural logarithm base) denotes the number 2.718281828459 자연로그
  42. i = √ −1 (the imaginary unit) 복소수
  43. π (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle) denotes the number 3.141592653589 . . ., 파이
  44. ∞ (infinity) denotes “a number of arbitrarily large magnitude”
  45. ∪ (the union sign) means “take the elements that are in either set”
  46. ∩ (the intersection sign) means “take the elements that the two sets have in common”
  47. ⧠ (the Halmos tombstone) means “QED”, which is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum (“which was to be proven”). 
  48. ∃ (the existential quantifier) means “there exists”
  49. ∀ (the universal quantifier symbol) means “for all”
  50. ∴ (three dots) means “therefore”
  51. ⇐⇒ (the iff sign) means “if and only if” and is used to connect logically equivalent statements.
  52. := (the equal by definition sign) means “is equal by definition to”. This is a common alternative form of the symbol “=Def”
  53. ∅ (the null set or empty set symbol) means “the set without any elements in it”

These symbols and signs are commonly used in mathematical equations, calculus, linear algebra,

and statistics, which are the fundamental mathematical concepts in deep learning.

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2023.02.03 23:12


2025.01.22 18:59

Wow, this is an excellent compilation of mathematical symbols! It's really helpful to have them all in one place, especially since deep learning and advanced mathematics require frequent use of many of these signs and notations. The inclusion of both basic symbols (like +, -, ×, ÷) and more complex ones (like ∇ for gradient, ∂ for partial derivatives, and ∑ for summation) really covers a wide range of topics https://hillclimbrace.io