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modin.pands가 순수 Pandas 보다 빠르다고 하네요.
모딘 인스톨
pip install “modin[all]” # Install Modin dependencies and modin’s execution engines
Don’t forgot the “” when pip installing
The Modin library has the ability to scale your pandas workflows by changing one line of code and integration with the Python ecosystem and Ray clusters.
This tutorial goes over how to get started with Modin and how it can speed up your pandas workflows.
출처 : KDnuggetskdnuggets.com/2021/03/speed-up-pandas-modin.html?fbclid=IwAR3cpINUY5mQCYiEB1icLhSdoRu9MdWqMUCDej_fau83r_tHFkFEmLVsTo0
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