DS Advanced 제1회 : Linear regression models to estimate housing price

  • moneyIcon Prize : 교육
  • 100명 마감


id : A notation for a house (주택 구분값)

date: Date house was sold (주택 매각일자)

price: Price is prediction target (가격은 예측 대상)

bedrooms: Number of bedrooms (침실 수)

bathrooms: Number of bathrooms (욕실 수)

sqft_living: Square footage of the home (주택의 넓이/평방피트)

sqft_lot: Square footage of the lot (대지의 넓이/평방피트)

floors :Total floors (levels) in house (주택의 총 층수)

waterfront :House which has a view to a waterfront (해안/강가 전망 여부)

view: Has been viewed (뷰 수)

condition :How good the condition is overall (전반적으로 얼마나 상태가 좋은가)

grade: overall grade given to the housing unit, based on King County grading system (King County grading system에 기반한 주택 등급)

sqft_above : Square footage of house apart from basement (지하층을 제외한 집 넓이/평방피트)

sqft_basement: Square footage of the basement (지하층 넓이/평방피트)

yr_built : Built Year (건축년도)

yr_renovated : Year when house was renovated (주택 개조 년도)

zipcode: Zip code (우편번호)

lat: Latitude coordinate (위도 좌표)

long: Longitude coordinate (경도 좌표)

sqft_living15 : Living room area in 2015(implies-- some renovations) This might or might not have affected the lotsize area (2015년 거실 넓이(일부 개조를 의미), 전체 집 크기에 영향을 줄 수도, 아닐 수 도 있음)

sqft_lot15 : LotSize area in 2015(implies-- some renovations) (2015년 전체 집 넓이)

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